hello !

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle , and the life of the candle will not be shortened . Happiness never decreases by being shared !

Sunday, May 30, 2010

odd or weird ? yet normal

Salam , recently i peek on the astroviews looking for nice movies to watch , in the mean time , i have found a short article about STRANGE RITUALS ...[jz for information it'll premiere on HISTORY channel june9] {so don't miss it kay....}

From zat article , i figure about ze existence of the third sex in INDIA . They 've been called as ze HIJRAS...
Hijras are ze people with a male body , yet they do not have neither male or female identity{weird huh}
Plus , from what i can remember based on my reading , they are believed to have somekind of power to bless people with fertility...which further explains
their traditional role of performing at weddings and at homes where a male child has been born . But their power to bless comes with the power to curse , which is....why they are often treated with a combination of fear and mockery...
Next article is about TIBET...[what u expect?]
It is about the last rites...
the tibetian tradition is to leave the corpse for vultures to feed on...[ouichh..i dont want to experience!!!!!!!!!never....!!!]
It is known as sky burial
From zis article..the burial start with the breaking of body parts by a body breaker
[or rogyapa...frankly i don't know what is that]
which are then ground right down to the bone , normally done the primitive way with an axe...later the body wich has been crushed being left to the meat eater bird-vultures.
from the article..they done that because when a person dies , the soul leaves the body , so the body seemed like smth useless , therefore , they done that to give back to the land , to be consumed by nature..
the buddhist in tibet believe so...
zat's all!!
have a good life !